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Laurea Magistrale in Accounting, Auditing e Controllo | Master in Accounting, Auditing and Control

Quality of Education


The Decreto Autovalutazione, Valutazione, Accreditamento iniziale e periodico delle Sedi e dei Corsi di Studio (Decreto Ministeriale n. 987 del 12 dicembre 2016) establishes the rules concerning the Initial Quality of Education Assessment and the Recurring Quality of Education Assessment for all University programs in Italy. 

The aforementioned Decreto Ministeriale also considers important issues related to Quality of Education established by the ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca) with specific reference to the following documents: "Linee Guida per l’accreditamento iniziale dei Corsi di Studio di nuova attivazione da parte delle Commissioni di Esperti della Valutazione (CEV)" and "Accreditamento periodico delle sedi e dei corsi di studio universitari - linee guida".



The DM 47/2013 (modified as in DM 1059/2013) establishes the rules governing the AVA system (Autovalutazione - Valutazione - Accreditamento) for all University Programs. The DM 987/2016 modified the original AVA system and introduce the AVA2 system which is applicable since January 2017.

In order to comply to the aforementioned regulation, the MSc in Accounting, Auditing and Control has established a Review Group (Gruppo di Riesame). Additionally, the Quality of Education for the MSc in AAC is also supervised by the School of Economics and Management through the Students-Teachers Committee (Commissione Paritetica docenti-studenti CPDS) and the Job Market Consultation Committee (Comitato di Consultazione con il mondo del lavoro).

The recurring quality assessements comply to the internal control system of the University of Florence aimed at assessing quality of education.



Recurring assessments measure the quality of education of the MSc in AAC. The quality assessment process is complex and covers many areas of interest. The quality assessment process is useful for producing reports and for continuously improving the MSc in AAC.

Quality of Education: data collection and analysis

How to fill the quality of education form


REVIEW GROUP (Gruppo di Riesame)

The Review Group is part of the governance of the MSc in AAC and includes students, professors, and job market representatives. The main objective of the Reivew Group is to analyse strengths and weaknessess of the MSc in AAC, with the aim of reducing the latter and increasing the former. 

The Review Group is responsible for the Quality Assessment and reports its results to the MSc Board. Strength and weaknesses identified by the Review Group are discusses by the MSc Board, which identifies actions to enhance the Quality of Education of the MSc in AAC. The Review Group also exchanges information with the School of Economics and Management and the University Quality Committee.


last update: 28-July-2022
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